b'to eat one larger fish than four smallerstring tassels and squid tentacles arethe area the workup is likely to start up ones, they will take advantage of thoseattached to the head of the jig. They workwhen the predators do turn up.Dolphins opportunities. I will sometimes switch totoo, very convincingly. They still need toare the best for this and will create the the larger lures once I have a few fish inbe worked up and down to help them bebetter workups.the bin to see if the bigger lure will tempttheir most attractive, but they are worthI prefer overhead outfits or baitcaster a bigger fish.having in your box when you need to goreels for workup fishing but will have a As mentioned, when the kahawai aredeep and quick. Being a longer designedspin outfit for softbaits. I like using spin thick and you are targeting snapper, ajig with bigger profile, the larger snappergear when working the softies as a rule of heavier or slim styled jig is a good choicefancy them and kingies too.thumb, they seem to have the right action to get past the grey rockets. Last season IWhen you find budding workupsfor working the plastic tails more so than added the Ocean Angler Fish Fingers jigsin a particular area (and not on everyoverhead rods. Probably the number one to my tackle box. These are interestingcorner of the horizon) it can also bereason for preferring overheads is the lures which are a slim, torpedo shape andworth dropping your line when youability to quickly drop my lure back to the they drop like an All Black ball over ansee a decent school of bait fish on thebottom once the drift of the boat starts to Aussie try line and have a skirt attachedsounder. Even though the predatorslift it off the bottom. I can keep in touch to the head. Departing from traditionalmay not be rounding up the baitfish andwith the lure and detect any interference inchiku/slow jig design where skirts arefeeding, snapper will sometimesfollowwith the lure like a cagey snapper in the rear of the lure, the small skirt withthe school in anticipation. This is alsomouthing or hitting it.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE15'