b'SPEARFISHINGDan scored a tasty porae when K ingfish and largeThis winter has been wild withhunting the weed line.schools of trevally,consistent onshore winds, rain, and big kahawhai and koheruswells, and the coastal diving has beenFishing Locationswarm the manyaverage. With a recent break in the pinnacles and reefsweather, I jumped at the opportunity found just offshoreto head out to the Mercury Islands for in summer. Whilesome winter snapper hunting. Made off the back of theup of seven islands the first problem is group, striped marlin,deciding which one to head to, however spearfish, yellowfin,with a south easterly swell rolling in our bigeye tuna, skipjack and albacore canonly option was the sheltered, northern be caught once the blue water has blownsides of the islands so this was to be ourMERCURY ISLANDSin. Hapuka, bass and broadbill are alsodestination for the morning. Departing regularly targeted in deep foul aroundWhitianga at 6:00am we were hoping the islands. The huge schools of fish andto reach the islands and get in the water birds are great fun in the warm summerjust on light. The best time for hunting months. Winter however is a differentsnapper is early in the morning or late in story. As the water temperatures dropthe evening as the light is changing. This and the school fish disappear, the bigis feeding time so getting in the water as winter snapper come out, as do severalthe sun is rising or setting is the best time other species more abundant in theto maximise your chances of shooting a colder months. decent snapper. 40FISHING IN GODZONE SEP/OCT 2021'