b'Custom Tackle sell Poseidon poppers and stickbaits which are quality hand-made wooden lures.From top to bottom; 120g Neng Siti stickbait, 120g Koenraad popper, 120g Buntaia stickbait, 120g Baluku popper.From top to bottom; 120g Calia popper, 180g Calia popper,180 Cedar popper, 180g Baluku popper.They are a high-quality item with attention to detail put into each and every one. Full wire internals from 200g models all the way down to 18g models makes them powerful, allowing anglers to be confident when applying solid drag pressures for when it counts They are warm to hold, and you can feel the difference immediately when handling one. There is something in the range for everyone that enjoy the finer presentations.From big GT and dogtooth to big yellowtail kingfish and working bait-balls in open water for tuna your covered. Some big Spanish mackerel have also been taken on these lures, and the smaller end of range are exceptional for bommie or reef species and flat fishing also./FISHINGINGODZONE47'