b'Fallow are quite vocal barking whenthe height of summer almost an annual disturbed, females and young will bleat toevent in exotic forest herds.each other while males groan repeatedlyDue to high hunting pressure, some during the rutting period.This usuallylocations run block systems where starts in April with dominant bucksblocks are allocated by ballot or establishing territories, marked withfirst registered such as Woodhill at scrapes on the ground.Hinds (or does)South Kaipara.dont breed till after 15 months old, withOccasionally DOC areas may be does attracted to bucks rather than beingclosed on a temporary basis to enable herded like red deer.They usually giveresearch or other management birth to just one fawn, twins are rare, andto be undertaken without being fawns birthed in DecemberJanuary. compromised by hunting.It is important to check for such BALLOTSconditions with the local DOC In Godzone, there is no seasonaloffice nearest the hunting area.restriction to hunting fallow deer, which means they can be hunted throughoutWHERE TO HUNT the year. However, there are instancesFallow deer are found throughout both where restrictions apply for specificthe North and South Island on public reasons and periods when huntingconservation land and private property.is favoured. Many hunters will pay to hunt private Restrictions: blocks for them and a search on the Some areas may be closed duringinternet will give you a wide number periods of high fire danger, typically atof options.A young buck spotted amongst heavy cover has also spotted the photographer.Photo credit: Scatto SelvaggioA common sight around West and South Auckland, fallow are found throughout this farmland with small pockets of bush or scrub to retreat too.the rear edge pointing backwards.Young sikers/yearlings have unbranched spikes.BEHAVIOUR Fallow are gregarious and when left undisturbed they can form quite large groups containing both males and females of all ages. When faced with hunting pressure, a normal sequence is for small groupings with separate herds of females and males coming together during the rutting period of April-May.Fallow like most deer, eat a wide range of plants, including mushrooms/fungi, and they favour lowland areas such as river flats and lower valley sides. They are happy to live in both indigenous or exotic forests and frequently use adjacent farmland for feeding. /FISHINGINGODZONE95'