b'The CRB 13ft rod is a surf or inlet rod designed to use when the wave heights are smaller, but you want to achieve good distance to put your bait further out.Fishing at Pouto the rod would be ideal as the notorious Kaipara bar stops the big ocean swells smashing onto the beach here, so the2kg fish put on a waves are smaller, but yougood scrap and the still need a good cast offrod tip was responsive the sand banks to get intoduring the fight, with the deeper channel whereplenty of power in the blank fish move. at hand to help subdue the The rod is rated for 20-40lbplucky kahawai.which suits my surfcasting asI decided to change reels I tend to run 30-40lb braidand put my Penn Battle 8000 on my reels to help land thespooled with 30lb Black troublesome rays and sharksMagic Hyperglide 13X onto we encounter out west.Withthe rod and moved down to a casting weight of 2-5oz,a 4oz sinker as it was nearing Switching reels andthis also suits my fishing, asslack tide.This made a using 4oz sinkers meantI tend to go with 4 and 5oznotable difference and the the rod cast further andbreakout sinkers. rod cast much better and I scored pan sized snapperSetting up the rod first withwas now getting out over for the writer. a Tica reel spooled with 35lb100m and into the fish zone.braid, I rigged it with a 5ozSoon after and I landed a sinker as the outgoing tidecouple of pan sized snapper It was a stunning day inwas really moving and a keyon consecutive casts and early spring at the Kaiparafactor when fishing in thegoing down to the lighter entrance for surfcasting. Kaipara.The first cast wassinker weight made the good and out around 80-90m,key difference.but I wasnt really giving it theIn summary, the CRB 13ft power as I just wanted to seesurf/inlet rod offers something how the rod went first up. different for Kiwi anglers that What was interesting is howwould suit an experienced delayed the rod action was,surfcaster or salmon angler, it really whipped the bait andlooking for a quality and sinker out at just the end ofbeautifully crafted custom rod the cast. for just over $600.FIGZAfter a several minutes with no bites I retrieved the bait to check it and the rod feltKey Specsgood, it has a moderate/fast action.I rebaited and recast putting more power behindCRB 13FT SURF/INLET ROD it and this time getting closer+Length: 130 2-pieceto 100m, obviously into the+Rating: 20-40lb channel as I had a bite within+Casting Weight: 2-5oz+RRP: $640minutes.The fish took off at speed coming towards the beach, a kahawai as I couldFOR MORE INFORMATION see it jumping way out tryingEmail: tony@tgcustomrods.com to throw the hook.The fator visit: tgcustomrods.com /FISHINGINGODZONE77'