b'A nice fish taken on thejig with Decoy twin assist Tana Aiya 100gm slowhooks that were also supplied pitch jig when testing the"The Elevate rodfrom Snapperhead.The jigs Elevate rod. feels great whenlooked cool with their colours and design, with the Decoy dropping andhooks are razor sharp.working slow pitchI dropped the lure to the bottom and with the first lift jigs and fighting fish." of the rod it was smashed by a good fish.The rod loaded include the Power 1, which isup and felt very balanced rated 100-300gm and Powerwhen under load, with the 2, that is rated for fishingspiral wrap a key factor.The 150-350gm jig weights.Wetip was sensitive with good matched our Power 1 testpower in the mid-butt section, rod with a Daiwa Saltiga 10Hand it easily accounted for a which has a quick 6.4:1 ratiosolid 2kg snapper, with the and long swept crank handle,Daiwa Saltiga bringing the with foam knob for workingfish up from 30m quickly.the slow pitch jigs up on theDispatching the fish and I retrieve.This reel is onlydropped back down and was 405gm and with 8kg maxsoon hooked up again on drag, it is an ideal fit for theanother fat pannie.Looking Elevate rod. over and the guys were all hooked up and the fishing MANGAWHAI WORK-UPS was outstanding, and we had I was heading to Mangawhaia healthy-looking Icey-Tek to get out with Brian Snooks90L bin over the next few in his Stabicraft to chase thehours.The rod accounted The Decoy twin assist hooksspring work-ups with Graemefor many fish during this time are super sharp on thePaterson along for the trip. as we fished from 30-50m Japanese slow pitch jigs. Many readers will rememberchasing the work-ups which Graeme and his quality Synitwere fast moving.Rods, and when I pulled outIn summary, the Elevate rod the Temple Reef rod from itsfeels great when dropping and bag and onto the boat, hisworking slow pitch jigs and eyebrows nearly jumped offfighting fish.I have used a his face!Where did you getfew different slow pitch rods that from Matt? he exclaimedbefore and this rod would as he admired the lightweightbe my pick to take out in the rod, checking over its guides. boat lure fishing and for under So, you know about these$500, it is a good buy for a rods?I fired back.I sure do,quality Japanese rod.and they are top end for slowTemple Reef rods, Tana and pitch jigging, he replied. Sea Falcon slow pitch jigs are I quickly made a vow toavailable direct from Godzone keep the rod close to me allagent Snapperhead.co.nz FIGZday when fishing as I knew it would be snaffled out of my reach if left alone for aKey Specsminute, with the greedy tackle stares it was getting!We didnt go far fromTEMPLE REEF ELEVATEthe Mangawhai boat ramp+Length: 69 - 2-piece (packed towards the Hen & Chicksdown 157cm)when we found dolphins+Jig Weight: 100-300gm+Rod Weight: 150gmand gannets working hard.I+RRP: $479rigged up a Tana Aiya 100gm/FISHINGINGODZONE83'