b'LAND-BASED Wear polaroid sunglasses which are essential to help you see fish around the berley trail.I know we dont always have the luxuryit devoured my live kahawai at Spirits Bay"I recently tested the Okuma of picking the best days that line up withmany years ago. I managed to run theNanomatrix 10-24kg rock the best moon phases (often the last40m or so in time to grab the rod as the two hours of low tide on a new or fullreel started screaming. Im glad my rodrod. Its a three-piece, 3m rod moon) but take note of the predicted bitedidnt take off after that kingfish. and its got the grunt to fish time anyway as this is when you should become more intentional with yourSANDMEETSHEADLAND stickbaits (rated up to 225gm), fishing or more focused. If the bite timeIf you are looking for new spots, checkas well as having a sensitive comes and goes then maybe, you haveout places where the sand meets a rocky to shift locations. I would also add to theheadland or rocky platform. Especiallytip to fish 10kg as well.topic of vigilance by saying you need toon beaches where there is some swell wear polaroid sunglasses and watchingrolling in. When swells roll onto a beach,these rocky places can be a good place for fish sign e.g. sly snapper darting underthe water that pushes in will also recede,to cast a line (especially a slide bait). It the berley bag or skipping piper fleeingbut it gets pushed into side channels andcan also help your berley get broadcast a hungry kingfish. If you see the signs, itforms rips as it flows back to sea. Thesefurther out to sea and draw in more fish.means you have a chance to capitalise onrips will often form along the rocks thatThis current forming along the rock it. I still remember the huge yellow tailborder a beach. Sand is swept away andledge of a beach usually happens when that beat the water next to my balloon ascan uncover food for hungry fish, sothe swell is pushing straight onto the 24FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2022'