b'HUNTINGCOLOUR second summer, become\'s pure white. What makes fallow unique is that it is theThese white animals are not however "Males (bucks) cast thesemost variable of all deer species foundalbino, having dark eyes and nose.each year in October orhere, with four distinctive colour phases.These are: ANTLERS November with replacementMelanistic: The most common colourThe large, shovel-shaped (palmate) antlers antlers quickly developedencountered in Godzone. Brown-blackwhich are only present on fallow males back with paler grey-brown undersideare a popular trophy for Kiwi hunters.by February. and neck. There are typically no spotsGodzones record head of 289 2/8 or tail patch. Douglas Score was taken by Adrian Ashby The European fallow deer (DamaCommon: With light red/brown sidesat McCaughley Valley in 2015.dama), is known as the common fallowand back with conspicuous white spotsMales (bucks) cast these each year in deer or simply fallow deer, and isand a black stripe down the back.October or November with replacement a species of ruminant mammal belongingColouring is grey black in winter. antlers quickly developed by February. to the family Cervidae.NativeMenil: A paler version of the \'commonTypical antlers on older deer have a round to Turkey and the Italian Peninsula, Balkanfallow, in summer coat, but doesn\'tmain beam at the base which becomes Peninsula, and the island of Rhodes. Itattain the darker winter coat. flattened and palmated at the top end. was one of the first deer species to beLeucistic: In young fallow a creamyOn the lower beam are brow and trez introduced to Godzone. colour which with age usually by thetines, and the palmation has points at 94FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2022'