b'LAND-BASED If the fishing is challenging, changing to lighter line or leader can fool the fish into biting.The weather is getting warmer, and it must be time to get out on the rocks again. If you R ock fishing can be goodtackle bag. One of the things I havewhere I tie a Bimini twist loop knot in my havent been fishing throughout the year, you must be thinking its time to hit the stones.in spring as the fish startlearned over the years is that you dontmainline and then tie my leader to the to wake up. Snapperget a second chance to tie a proper knotBimini twist with an Albright knot. This is can be hit and miss laterwith a big fish. Too many times I learntwithout a doubt a strong set up that can in the springtime andthe hard way and thought I would dohandle a lot of pressure. If you are joining early summer as theya better job later if I had to. The thingyour mainline to leader with a swivel or congregate out deeperis you might fish all day for little to noback-to-back uni, do a destruction test to for spawning but if youresults and one great fish changes thecompare. You will switch to the Bimini/are in the right place at the right time,whole days experience.When castingAlbright after you see how strong it is.they can be on the chew prior to movingthat first bait, make sure your drag is out. Kingfish will be looking to put onset, your net or gaff is in easy reach andThe key to good berleying is condition, and I have noticed over thisyoure ready from the get-go!winter period that the milder than usualDont muck around with shoddy knotsto release the goodies in a temperatures have meant more kingsor gear that isnt maintained properly.controlled/constant manner. have turned up in shore. Learn to tie the best knots like the Bimini twist, FG knot etc. They are worth theIt makes the berley go PREPKEY investment in time it takes to learnfurther and last longer if you I like to be prepared before I get on thethem and will help you catch the ones rocks - all my knots have been retied, Ithat usually find the weak spot in yourdefrost it earlier.have checked my hooks and made surefishing gear.One of my best producing no salty older wet ones were left in myrigs for rock fishing is the strayline rig 20FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2022'