b"SPEARFISHING Tom scored a big kingie and remember to fish for the future and take just one fish.BEST SHOT fishing this is the first thing a kingie willarrive. From now on it gets serious and As mentioned earlier kingfish have softattempt.If you can keep it out of thethe more tired out the fish is, the better. but delicious flesh, great for the tablebottom for the first part of the fight youOnce near the surface grab the fish by but not so great for a spear. When liningare halfway there. For the remainder ofthe gills, being careful of your spear and up a swimming kingfish aim just abovethe fight keep tension on the line, let itwhere your line is, now wrap your legs the pectoral fins around the lateral linerun when it wants to and then slowly pullround the fish in a form of bear hug, grab or midline, as tempting as it is don't aimit in.The fish will swim in circles, makeyour knife and end the fight with an iki for the gills; this shot will rip out almostpowerful runs, and do its best to dislodgebetween the eyes. Job done.every single time. A solid shot to thethe spear, if your shot is secure and youFrom there, all you need to do is swim lateral line will take most of the fight outhave followed the steps so far you can beyour fish to the boat, bleed it, gut, and of the fish and provide you with the bestsafe in the knowledge that you should it. get it on ice as quickly as possible. They chance of landing it. Remember, keepAs you gain line its important to swimare magnificent fish and deserve to be calm, and don't rush your shot; a spearup current, line management towards thetreated as such, give your dive buddy a in the guts or high in the shoulder willend of the fight is crucial, the number offist pump or a high five and grab a cold rip out and a shot in the tail is asking forvideos out there with YouTube spearosdrink. You deserve it, having just landed trouble, so take your shot carefully. setting bad examples of terrible lineyour first kingfish successfully and safely Having pulled the trigger if all has gonemanagement is shocking, keep clear ofyou will be absolutely buzzing.to plan, your spear has penetrated theyour line and be ready to cut yourself outDive safe this summer, and don't forget sweet spot and the fight is on, it's nowof a predicament if required. to fish for the future, even a legal 75cm time to let go of your gun, grab your floatOne you have gained back enough floatkingfish is a lot of meat so make sure you line and head for the surface. A big fishline and have grabbed the shooting linehave a plan on how you will look after will pull you down so hold just enoughyou are nearly there, the fish should beyour fish on a hot summers day and pressure on your float line to keep thetired out but remember, there isnt a rushtake only what you need. You can always fish from heading to the reef, just liketo get the fish in the boat, unless sharkscome back another day.FIGZ66FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2022"