b"SPEARFISHINGFind the baitfish with good current F rom October throughThe writer with a solid kingfishand the kingies will turn up.to April we see kingfishtaken over summer when they gather in large numbersare prolific around the coast.off Godzone's northern coastline. Tasting excellent, versatile, and growing large, kingfish are often the target of most spearos over the summer months. For some it will be their first proper fish and can be an incredibly exciting experience, I still remember my first kingfish speared off my local beach.It was dead low tide, and I was chasing piper and yellowtail around my bread loaf berley, then out of the murk came a kingfish attracted by the commotion of me flopping around on the surface and the feeding frenzy I had created. I will never forget walking home with the kingfish draped over my shoulder with everyone coming over to congratulate me and check out my big fish.Since then, I have speared a handful of kingfish over the years, however I enjoy just watching them when diving or getting my friends on to them instead. Spearing a kingfish isn't that difficult, it just takes a bit of knowledge, being in the right place at the right time and patience. 60FISHING IN GODZONE NOV/DEC 2022"