b'SPEARFISHING There is a lot of current and swell along the East Coast that divers need to be wary of.T hat is the allure of fishingROAD TRIP SOUTH location. A spot where the dirty green and diving, why we getPacking the boat on a Friday afternoon,waters of the coast met with the inky our credit cards out, fillwe had decided to beat the afterworkblue depths of the Pacific Ocean. Where our boats and cars withtraffic and take a half day, heading downthe uplift of currents and nutrients would overpriced fuel, slide intoto the East Coast in the hope of monsterhopefully bring baitfish and kingfish to us.our cold damp wetsuitskingfish and crays.Six hours later we and why we hit the roadspulled up to our campsite in Waihau Bay with our mates on epicjust as the sun was beginning to set and adventures. The unknown factor iswith not a breath of wind in the air andFishing Locationwhy we do it and why me and a couplecalm seas.We could only imagine what of mates hit the road south over thiswe would see just a few kilometres from past summer in search of the Eastour seaside campsite.Coast Myth. The next morning as tractors rumbled The North Islands East Coast has manyto life and trailer boats made their way great locations for fishing, unfortunatelyto the ramps, we hastily packed the boat the diving is not always so pleasant,with all the gear that we would need enduring most storms coming out of thefor a day of hunting mythical monsters.WAIHAU BAYPacific and from the south the East CoastTaking 20-30m float lines and big floats gets a hammering, so there are not manywere our only defence between us opportunities to dive it. However, whenand the reef whilst our 130cm guns you do, the possibilities are endless.and breakaway rigs would hopefully Monster kingfish, dinosaur sized crayfishput enough hurt on these big green an abundance of shellfish and plenty offreight trains.other quality table fish are likely to beAfter a reasonably smooth trip out in encountered, or so we had been told. the 410 Alicraft, we made it to our first 60FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE 2022'