b'WORK-UPS The writers niece Ruby enjoyed the autumn work-up action.Whatever is not picked off or up by the mammals and the bird squadron, makes its way down to the ocean floor, where the snapper feed up large.I dont think you could make a better berley trailif you tried!03 WEIGHTSThere is no right or wrong when it comes to the weight of the lure, it all depends on the wind and current you areThe writer with a solid Hauraki fishing in. They key thing to note is makeGulf autumntime snapper.sure your lure in as straight up and down as possible (best fished vertically). These days I tend to fish no less than 80g and often up to 140gm if needed if the boats drift speed picks up.Never leave home without a drogue (sea anchor) or especially binoculars, they are most important aspect to finding work-ups when on the water.You will be looking for circling gannets as the most obvious tell-tale sign a work-up is happening.Often dolphins can be spotted on the move too and even the large whale spouts are often spotted on clear days, both a dead giveaway the action isnt too far off.Getting out onto the Hauraki Gulf in autumn and hunting down a work-up will provide you and your crew with someBook a trip with Ultimate Charters epic fishing.If you want to get out andto get out in the gulf to learn how see how the pros fish them, then bookto fish work-ups.a charter with Ultimate Charters whoLEFT: Brydes whales frequent the have boats set up with lure combos andHauraki Gulf and feed on baitfish, experienced skippers to help you fish aensure you keep your distance.work-up.FIGZFORMOREINFO: www.ultimatecharters.co.nz / Email: simon@ultimatecharters.co.nz30FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE2022'