b'Find the gannets and you willA uckland is home to oneup large.I dont think you could make a enjoy good work-up action. of the best snapperbetter berley trail if you tried!fisheries we have in the country. FromKEYS TO SUCCESSFULLYexceptional inshoreFISHINGAWORK-UPstraylining, to shallow01 APPROACH SLOWLYwater softbaiting theThe reason we do this is because outer islands in theif you are too eager and drive straight Hauraki Gulf, and one of my favorites -into the middle of the bait at speed, the the autumn work-up season. dolphins will disperse allowing the bait The easiest way to describe a work-upto do the same. Within seconds you to those who have never experiencedcan break apart the work-up and the one, is simply a chaotic feeding frenzy! excitement of the frenzy will be over, At different times of the year there is ancausing the snapper to stop feeding. influx of bait fish, usually anchovies andAlways keep your speed down with pilchards that come down from the northno sharp movements near dolphins or and into the Hauraki Gulf. Resident podswhales. They are protected so remember of common dolphins and Brydes whalesto keep your distance.which frequent the Hauraki Gulf, will round up the bait and feed. 02 FISH THE EXHAUSTWhile gathering above, gannetsWhatever way the wind/current is will arrive in force and often in theirmoving, fish behind it leaving the work-hundreds, dropping from the sky to feedup in front of your drift. This allows you on the balls of bait fish. Whatever is notto start fishing the areas the work-up picked off or up by the mammals and thestarted. Often the bigger snapper are bird squadron, makes its way down tofound where the work-up has been, not the ocean floor, where the snapper feedwhere its currently happening.Kingfish are often encountered, with Paul scoring a nice fish on a light lure combo. /FISHINGINGODZONE27'