b'WORK-UPS 03 FISH WITH LURESThere are a couple of reasons we use lures, the main one being you almost never gut hook a snapper. Secondly, the active movement the lures provide tend to get the bigger fish more often and youll find that you catch fewer undersized fish when using lures. Thirdly, they catch EVERYTHING. From snapper, kingfish, kahawai, John dory, gurnard, trevally and even squidyes, I have caught all these fish around a work-up!WHAT LURES/COLOURS/WEIGHTS WORKBEST?01 LURESMy personal favorites are the Daiwa Kohga followed very closely by the Ocean Angler Slider. These two lures are DYNAMITE in a work-up situation. While softbaits such as the trusty Z-Man Jerk ShadZ also work well.02 COLOURSIf you are fishing a Kohga look no further than the black lure, and if you are Lure fishing combos such asfishing the Slider then orange is hands baitcaster sets are ideal setups. down the best.Z-Man softbaits account for many big fish in Hauraki work-ups.Paul de Jong scored his snapper on a Bruised Banana Jerk ShadZ.28FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE2022'