b'Marys partner Josh heads out with a sole purpose of targeting kings when fishing.K ingfish or kings havefishing?Thanks for pointing that out,in and get my rod as far away as I can always been the typebut I can have fun without almost fallingfrom the water. A love-hate relationship of fish that, personally,off the boat while being pulled away by ais a term I use lightly. Tips will still be in are my least favouritepowerful fish! this article, but disclaimer, it came from a to catch. But hear meSecondly, catching these types ofmore reliable source other than me, thats out on my love-hatepredatory fish is a Catch-22. You mustfor sure!relationship with kings. produce an attractive bait for them toAnd third, once youve hooked kings Firstly, a kingfish willbite (and make your life easier), meaningand get them close enough to the boat always put up a fightyou have to catch bait first and maybeanother problem presents itself. Like a like its the end of the world. Though, Iuse some good lures and stick baits. Ifamous Spiderman movie quote, great guess when you get a hook in any partcant say this information came first-handpower comes with great responsibility. of your body, you would probably dobut rather, from my partner Josh whoSecuring and lifting these kings into the everything you can to get out of beingis an avid angler. He gets quite excitedboat can be a challenge. It does not stop food too. I know what youre thinkingwhen he sees kings under the boat. Ofthere too as you must clean and fillet a but isnt the fight half the fun ofcourse, my instinct is to pull the line backsizeable fish! /FISHINGINGODZONE41'