b"KINGFISH Kingfish will battle to the end and test your gear for weaknesses.SCHOOLS Photo: Matt HewetsonKingfish travel in schools, and I mean a considerable school of kingfish. There were times when we got lucky and have seen about 20-100m stretch full of kings. My partner and I did not hesitate to take a video home as a memory of it. During one of these fishing trips, I remember thinking to myself that I should just sit and read a book because theres no way of convincing me to keep on dropping back and hooking another king, I would soon just offer my arm.Kings are also very smart, most often than not. You have to have specific lures, stick baits, and quality hooks both for your own good and the fish's, especially if you are planning to release them back in the water. There will be times that theyll just bite whatever is in the water but thats not a reoccurring theme. They make you work for it if you want them, which if I am honest is probably why people love catching them, wanting what you cant easily have.The funny thing is everything I cant appreciate about this fish is exactly what my partner loves. Kingfish are challenging to catch; outsmarting a fish is a necessity where you can get absolute satisfaction when you finally capture one! FIGZA spin combo with over 10kg commonly look for food here. The rightof drag is needed for top Kingfish Fishing Tips areas at the right time of the day maywater fishing.just get you a big fillet of fish and whole FISH WITH A SINGLE PURPOSE.lot of fun in the process!Go out and catch a kingfish or two as the only target in mind. Make this purelyDO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TACKLE? your focus on catching one. There mayDepending on the sizeable fish your be days when it can be slow and yougoal is to catch, you will need the right might not catch anything, and thatstackle, the ideal weight, and the suitable okay. One day catching one will make allrods (you might need extra just in case the difference. Just stick to it and dontyoure in the hotspot for the huge ones) get distracted by anything else. Dontand reel combinations. Good lures and think about what the other boat nextstick baits come in handy and are a to you is catching even if you see a bignon-negotiable necessity (according to snapper being landed next door, as theymy partner) because he thinks thats just say jealousy is not a good trait, so stickthe fun way to catch them.it out no matter what. You must sleepThese are just some basic tips and and wake up with the same goal: landingtricks on catching a king that I have a kingfish. picked up.Im all for the classic chucking in of live baits and just waiting, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOCATION after all theres nothing wrong with Kingfish like structure. Consider fishygoing back to the basic, the tried and areas such as big rocks, reefs, andtested methods. Hopefully, all goes channel markers. We look for pressurewell for everyone over this hot autumn edges and current lines as theyfishing season.46FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE 2022"