b'LAND-BASEDA Coromandel rope-in trip. The ropes already in use were in fair condition, if in doubt take your own or fish somewhere else.Berley is the next item that youto fish till dark), rope for getting downand wont last long, so dont go cheap if should be packing in with your bait.steep parts (if required). Its easy to startyou are hiking anything longer than 30 My strong advice is to defrost it thepacking light but once everything is inminutes to a location. There is a whole day before so it will start dispensingand youve been hiking a while you canscience to how a pack sits on your frame berley as soon as you put holes in it. Arealise maybe you didnt pack as light as(hips), so getting a pack that is adjustable 4-5kg bag can almost last a day and ifyou thought! in the right places is important. If you are youre with a fishing mate (which I alsoIf youre fit and experienced withthinking about hiking in trainers, you will recommend taking, even if its to helpwalking this may not be a factor butchange your mind after the first decent pack in the berley!) Then take 8-10kg tokeep it in mind. Its unlikely you will needtrip so get a good pair of hiking boots improve your chances. Place the berleysinkers when rock fishing, so only taketoo. These two items alone can last in an onion sack (or spare berley pota fewoz ball sinkers just in case andyears of good service so dont go budget bag, these are best because they areleave the rest at home. if you plan to do more than a few trips.reusable) and tie an empty milk bottleWhat bait? Pilchards are a good first to the sack and deploy it 10-20m offGOODPACKANDBOOTS choice but once you are on the rocks the rocks. If you are looking at buying a pack, Iand have your berley going, catching A quick list of other items that arewould recommend buying from a hikingJack mackerel and piper to use whole important; first aid kit, food, water,store like Kathmandu and getting somefor big snapper is a better idea. A big knife, headlamp (early starts, in caseexpert advice on what to look for inslab of kahawai will also work because something goes wrong, or you wantbuying a pack. Bad packs will torture youthe oil and blood carry a fair way and 22FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE2022'