b'WEST COASTThe tide was coming in faster now with more power in the waves as it had just been a full moon, so the sand was soft as we towed the boat along from the Baylys gap to a small hole where it was deeper for launching.Picking your spot is key as you want to avoid shallow sand banks when heading out and coming back in, hitting these at speed can flip or turn your boat into waves.We watched the wave sets for several minutes to see they werent breaking until closer to shore and there were plenty of calm periods with no waves.We started to ready the boat double checking bungs, power, fuel and all the gear was stowed well.The lifejackets went on and then we unhitched the trailer and all three ran the boat on the trailer down into the water, not stopping until a wave came in and slowed us.We quickly launched the boat with Ali and myself turning the bow to face theThe sounder was constantly waves, as Brian pulled the trailer back toshowing fish sign all along the coast the Ranger. as the Tasman teemed with life.The snapper were in top condition and hungry, hitting baits instantly when they reached the bottom 23m below.34FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE 2022'