b"LAND-BASEDA re-useable berley pot bag is effective for berleying off the rocks by tying it to an empty milk bottle. Thaw it the day before so you don't have to put lots of L ate autumn and earlyMaybe youve never ventured out ofGEAR FOR ROCKSholes in it to dispense berley consistently.winter are some of thethe estuary or have just started rockIf you wanted just one combo to rule best times to go fishingfishing, you must realise that your oddsthem all, then a long stickbait rod off the rocks. Particularlyof catching more fish and trophy fish(preferrably 9ft) with a spin reel with a in the Far North, therecome from getting away from civilisation.spool of braid and extra spool of 15kg are still plenty of snapperPutting in some time to walk some ks willmono means youre covered for kings that havent migratedpay off, especially with some preparationand snapper. If your budget doesnt away to the shelf and evenand good old fashioned leg work. This isstretch that far, then a 10ft rod and more importantly, a lot oftrue on average, from my observations15kg mono will be fine. A smaller lighter recreational water users have stoppedover the years of rock fishing. So, get ready6kg rod is a good idea for catching Jack visiting the coast. Undisturbed, snapperto take some long hikes, bash throughmackerel and piper for fresh bait or even will often come in and take residence insome bush and scale steep inclines (safelyhaving fun with the smaller to mid-size areas that have decent food and shelterof course!) to find the best spots. Beforesnapper, or trevally and kahawai that turn in these areas of coastline. we talk locations, lets talk gear. up in the berley trail.18FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUNE2022"