b'GAMEBIRDS having one or more good gun clubs within them. Throughout autumn most clubs run duck shooters sporting clay shoots which you really should attend. You will mix with like-minded hunters all out for a bit of practice and pick up a few tips off the good shooters there, if you ask for advice they are only too happy to help you out.Before you take on one of these bigger autumn shoots you should get together with your shooting buddies on a local farm, and at your own pace practice on some of the targets your having trouble Clay bird or skeet hitting. These can be fun days and with a shooting provides the bestbit of good-natured competition between shotgun practice to improve mates can only help you improve. Putting your field shooting.up a prize for the best shooter at these informal shoots may make you try a bit Think of a golfer on the tee, the clubshot and target bird will meet at theharder and improve even more.is raised up and starts its downwardsame time. Bird in the bag. You may find that like me and thousands drive to the ball, just as your barrelsof others you take up clay target shooting follow the birds flight line. The clubSHOOTING PRACTICE to improve your field shooting, but then strikes the ball just as your barrels coverClearly the best practice you can getfind that you enjoy clay shooting so the bird, but the golf club doesnt stopis clay target shooting, and out of allmuch that it becomes your main shooting it continues the swing through, yourthe clay disciplines the closest to fieldsport. I still really look forward to the barrels should do the same. shooting will be sporting clays or five- duck season but unfortunately it doesnt In the time your eyes tell your brainstand. Skeet will offer a good range oflast long, so clay shooting allows me to to pull the trigger and your brain tellscrossing birds plus some incomers andenjoy my gun and improve my shooting your finger to do just that the speedeven trap with its going away birds willfor the rest of the year, not just locking it your barrels are traveling should haveoffer training for jump shooting. We areaway until next season. Use your gun and pushed out in front of the bird so theblessed in this country with most regionsbecome a better shotgunner.FIGZGetting early practice in autumn before duck shooting starts in May will improve your shooting.88FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2022'