b'GAMEBIRDSNext to check is length of triggerbarrel / eye alignment.When you mountSURE FOOTEDpull. Making absolutely sure the gun isthe gun in a comfortable and naturalHow you stand and where you place your unloaded, place the heel of the butt inposition on to your shoulder, for thefeet in relation to the target is also an the crook of your arm and lay the buttcorrect fit on a field or sporting gun youimportant and often overlooked. In clay up the length of your forearm. Now wrapshould be looking straight down thetarget shooting I take time in getting my your fingers around the pistol grip andcentre of the rib. A clever way to checkfoot placement correct, your feet should your finger on the trigger. The triggerthis is put a dot at eye height with a penbe slightly apart and your front foot (left should lie in the first joint of the finger,on a wall mounted mirror. Again, mountfoot for right hand shooters and right if the trigger is on the very tip of yourthe unloaded gun and point it directlyfoot for left hand shooters), should be finger, then the butt stock is too long andat the dot, your eyes should be only justforward of the back foot. With the knees needs to be shortened. If the trigger isabove the rib and looking straight downslightly bent, a slight lean forward will well below the first joint of your finger,the centre of it at the bead. If not, smallplace the body weight in a position to then the stock is too short and must beadjustments can be made with shims,help absorb recoil and assist your swing.lengthened. Generally, a longer recoil pador perhaps a visit to a good gunsmith.Shooting sporting clays my body and feet will fix this. Again, it is vital to get this right becauseare also pointing to where I hope to break Should a wooden butt stock be tooits probably the most important aspectthe clay, then I wind my body and the long once you have worked out howof good shooting. If youre buying a newunmounted gun back a little to where the much needs to be removed, send it to ashotgun, the firearm salesperson shouldclay is coming from, as the clay is released specialist gunsmith to alter. be able to check all the above and pickmy body unwinds mounting the gun and With the butt sorted now comes theout the correct fitting gun for you. chasing through the clay in one smooth 86FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2022'