b"EditorialMarch/April 2022 / Issue 38The softbaiting in autumn for big snapper on the Kaipara offers red-hot fishing, some of the best the editor has experienced.FISHING IN GODZONE MARCH/APRIL 2022 Issue #38COVER PHOTOS Richie Hanna hooked up at dawn on a Hauraki kingfish.Photo: Dmitriy KrollBottom left: Marshall Stoddart and kingfish at the 3 Kings. Photo: Scott CushmanKaipara snapper on a Z-man. Photo: Mathew HewetsonUltimate Charter's Hunter fishing workups. Photo: Simon BradyEDITOR AT LARGE Mathew HewetsonWRITERS Scott Cushman, Dan Westerkamp, Kristen Zaloumis, Blair Whiting, Paul WalkerH ello Team Godzone.The fish stocks are also plentiful, and youDESIGNSummer has probablynever know what will turn up. Blockstart finished by the time youAutumn is also prime time for hunterswww.blockstart.co.nzare reading this and whatlooking to head into the hills to bag a stagPRINTING a summer of fishing it was!and the looming duck season means gettingOvato PrintWe seemed to be saying thisponds ready and the shotgun out for someDISTRIBUTIONevery year of late, but the fishing continues toclay bird practise.We have the popularAre Direct NZbe outstanding especially the game fish andhunting section back with stories packed withPUBLISHERkingfish numbers this past year.I really canttips on both to help with your hunting. Marlin Marketing Limited Mathew Hewetson recall a better time to catch kingfish, there areThanks also to you as an avid reader ofP: 022 355 0588so many around that kayak anglers, softbaitersour magazine, we launched our first editionE: mathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzand even surfcasters are landing them. nearly 8 years ago at the end of 2014 and We have plenty of good stories in this issuewhat started out as a quarterly title, we from our team of writers taking on suchhave now become a bi-monthly issue due kingies over the hotter months and hopefullyto the good support from keen outdoors Fishing In Godzone is subject to copyright in its these bruisers will continue to be out in forcepeople such as you.It has been harderentirety.The contents may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the written as we head into the cooler months.I for onewith business over the past couple of yearspermission of the publishers. All copy, photos or other material forwarded to the magazine am glad of autumns arrival, I prefer the coolas we all know, but thankfully fishing,will be assumed intended for publication unless days on the water and the snapper fishing isboating, and hunting continue to be hugelyclearly labelled not for publication.Opinions expressed from such content are not necessarily usually first class at this time of year and theyimportant to millions of Kiwis. those of the publisher.move in close into harbours and off beaches. Good luck out on the water and in the hills. ISSN 23821655Surfcasting and softbaiting are my twoTake care out in Godzone fishingingodzone.co.nzfavourite ways to target snapper in autumn/fishingingodzoneand the Kaipara is one destination thatMathew Hewetsondelivers for both styles.The west is the best in my opinion, with the rugged Tasman,EDITOR AT LARGE stunning sunsets and virtually with no-one around on many of the days I venture west.Check out the new digital platform - Scan to visit!6FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2022"