b"SPEARFISHINGWhere I found Tomup on for the afternoon. a few good pannies which I decided to Now in summer and early autumn it'stake for dinner.out of breath butimportant to note that no matter whereMeanwhile, before Tom had even set holding up a giant boarfishyou are in the north island, the sharkshis berley he had bumped into a solid will not be far away.As soon as yousnapper resting up in the shadows, and that he had managed to keepstart shooting fish or berleying, then youwith quick reflexes managed to pull off away from a monster bronzyshould keep in mind that you are ringinga solid holding shot on a good panny.the dinner bell and these opportunisticBack on my berley I made my first dive intent on stealing his catch. feeders will not be far away. and was surprised to find a large blue Having already seen a big bronziecod had decided it was going to feast With nothing much happening Itoday we decided that kina would beon my pile of kina. Blue cod make great decided I had exhausted this weed linethe only option for landing any fish ineating however pulling the trigger on my so cruised back to the boat where Ithe evening.With a big rocky outcropberley would ensure no snapper would found Tom out of breath but holding upjust a short swim away I knew thisbe back. Umming and ahhing I decided a giant boarfish that he had managed towould be the ideal place to set a deepit wasn't the day for a big snapper and keep away from a monster bronzy intentberley, picking up a bag full of kinashot the blue cod before calling it quits on stealing his catch. With a big sharkon my way before smashing them alland heading back to the boat.in the area, we knew shooting more fishin a pile at the bottom of a ledge andArriving back on the boat as the sun was pointless so up anchored and wentcruising off to let it stew.I huntedbegan to set it had been a massive day off in search of a piece of coast to berleyaround in the shallows coming acrossof diving and the chilly bin was well and 66FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2022"