b'GAMEBIRDS Your barrel should swing smoothly along the birds flight collecting the bird from behind, passing through it and then pull the trigger.F or many the socialmost sports they take on.The rest ofleft eye but stays in place when you side of duck shootingus must learn from scratch and learningclose your right eye, then you are left is as much fun as theto shoot a shotgun properly will takeeye dominant and should be shooting shooting itself, sometime but it will be a lot of fun.Ive beenoff your left shoulder. This is the first shooters may not haveshooting shotguns for over 60 years andstep to better shooting and critical to get taken their shotgun outstill enjoy every new shooting challengethis right.of the gun cabinet sinceI come up against. So, assuming you last season. These folkswant to improve, I will pass on someGUN THAT FITSare usually quite happyknowledge to help you keen shotgunnersUnlike a rifle where you generally have to have a fun weekend away, even if theywho are having a bit of trouble hittinga little time to get settled to take a shot, miss a lot of birds. Others are naturallyyour targets. shotguns are pointed but not aimed and good shots and seem to have no troublefiring at a fast-moving target you only knocking most of the birds they swingTHE EYES HAVE IT have a second or two to mount and fire.onto out of the sky. The first step is to assess whether yourSo, your gun must fit you perfectly to If youre in the social weekend group,left eye or right eye dominant. This willgive you the best chance of hitting your then the following scenario will bedetermine which shoulder you should betarget. No matter how hard you try you familiar. A bird comes in and you emptyshooting off. Firstly, hold a pen or pencilwill never shoot well if your gun doesnt three shots into the sky as the duck fliesout in front of you and sight it up thefit you properly.on.Only to be met by a good shooteredge of a panting or photo on the wall,Modern shotguns be they semi-auto, further down, even though the bird isyou need to be about 3-4m away frompumps, under and overs or side by side further out they swing onto it and thethe wall. With both eyes open you shouldseem to fit the average human build duck drops dead with one shot. You asksee the pen on the edge of the painting,well. You are either very tall or small yourself, how the hell did I miss that andnow close your left eye, if the pen staysfor them not to fit. Luckily, most semis how did they hit it so far out?. in the same position, then you are rightand pumps come with a range of shims Smooth shooting is no accident, aeye dominant and should be shootingso you can alter either cast or pitch of small percentage of us are born with aoff your right shoulder. If the pen movesthe butt section to get your eyes in the natural sporting ability and will excel inoff the picture edge when you shut yourcorrect position.82FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2022'