b'OLD FISHING GROUND The 15ft Okumashark or moocher snapper.I headed back to my oldNanomatrix Plus is aThe line soon went slack and fishing ground off Dargavillequality carbon surfcasterupon winding it in the hook on Ripiro Beach in earlywith Fuji components. was missing with slices along December to test the rod. the 60lb trace, sharked!Oh It was a nice, calm sea withwell, it saved time dealing easterly winds, which werewith that.I landed a fat going to be the predominantkahawai on the next cast and wind this coming summerthen the bite went quiet.and I was hoping to getOverall, the combo is onto a good sand bank ona well-balanced set, and outgoing tide. the rod is lightweight with Unfortunately, it wasntstrength when needed a big moon phase, and theto play fish, it would suit tides werent sucking out far,either an experienced or so I had to settle on a deepintermediate surfcaster gut which looked promising. looking to go up to the next After a couple of practiselevel with a quality rod with casts along the beach whichsolid reel which retails for felt good, I dug tuatua forjust under $650 (rod $449 bait and cast out into theand reel $199).FIGZsurf.The rod is long at 15ft and took some getting used to with my own personal rods 13-14ft.It is noticeablyKey Specslight though, with a good stiff blank in the mid-section butOKUMA NANOMATRIX responsive tip. Casting wasPLUS 15FTeasy and I walked back up+Length: 4.57m (15ft)the beach from the deeper+Pieces: 3-piece blankwater when the rod doubled+Cast Rating: 80-225gm (3-8oz)over, fish on!A stroppy fight+RRP: $449.99ensured as the tell-tale signs of a trevally was on my line, sure enough a fat 45cm trev was soon on the beach.The reels ergo handle was nice to grip during the fight and the retrieve smooth when underweight.The only thing I would change is the mainline had 6kg mono and I prefer to fish with 30lb braid.It offers more benefits when surfcasting and extra power for landing bigger fish like sharks or rays that we commonly hook on Ripiro so we can get our gear back.On the second cast I used a piece of fresh trev to try and tempt a snapper.After several minutes I was about to wind in to check the bait, when a big fish took theFirst cast when testing the bait and headed off fast toOkuma combo on Ripiro Australia.It was heavy andBeach and a nice trevally hit with big head nods, either athe tuatua bait. /FISHINGINGODZONE71'