b"Don't rush mounting theMounting the gunwith the curtains pulled so you dont gun, ensure you are surefreak out the neighbours!Place a few footed and be smooth. doesnt need to bebright colored markers high up the wall rushed, just be smooth,then mount and swing through them, the more you practice the better youll as the speed your bodyget.For consistent bird kills in the field a can move the barrels cansmooth, perfected gun mount is essential.out pace any flying bird orMOVING TARGETSclay target so dont rushThe reason a shotgun is used with both eyes open is to give you a wider visual the mount. picture on moving targets. If your feet are in the right place and you have mounted rush the mount. To perfect this mountingthe gun correctly, now with total focus procedure, you will need to become veryon the target you should only see the tip comfortable with your shotgun.Thisof your barrels as a black blurry reference will take dry shooting practice with anpoint. This is where you should let your unloaded gun and lots of it. For thosebodys natural instincts take over, the of you living in a rural or semi-rural areabarrels should swing smoothly along the with no close neighbours, you have thebirds flight line collecting the bird from advantage of practicing with an unloadedbehind passing through it and pulling gun on all manner of birds as they headthe trigger. Here unfortunately is where for their late afternoon roosts. This shouldmany shooters go wrong, on catching up really sharpen up your mounting withoutto the bird they unconsciously stop their having to fire a shot. For those of youbarrels and pull the trigger, but as the who are urban dwellers if you have a bigbird is moving at speed they continuously garage or shed, or even your lounge roommiss behind.A good mixed bag of ducks and pheasants shot using semi-autos on the same farm where mates gathered to shoot clay birds the day before opening weekend.movement, hopefully breaking it.In a mai mai with a flat floor it shouldnt be too hard to get your feet right, but in the field whether jump shooting duck ponds, or chasing pheasants, then taking that split second to get your feet in the right place when a bird flushes and explodes out can mean the difference between it going down or flying on. Good shooters know they have the time to get this right, newbies or not so good shooters may have to work on it a bit.MOUNTING GUNIn mounting a shotgun correctly all the things above now come in to play. Mounting the gun doesnt need to be rushed, just be smooth, as the speed your body can move the barrels can out pace any flying bird or clay target so dont/FISHINGINGODZONE87"