b'KAYAK FISHINGA T-bar reel handle provides the best grip for your hands while mechanical jigging.Kingfish are right at the top of my target list here in Godzone, recently I have been putting all my time into targeting these fish right in my backyard. Kingfish require a mindset change if you want to capture them consistently on a small craft like a kayak. You just must ignore the K temptation of going for a snapper fish when the going gets tough.ingies arent justRAYMARINE SOUNDER removed from the equation once I know found in any oldThe new Raymarine Element 7HV is keywhat the bottom contours look like. location, they arefor me when I have made my way ontoA light but strong jig combo is a must consistently locatedthe reef. I have been using the Elementsfor fishing inshore out of a small boat. I near baitfish or asonar logging capabilities to map out theuse a rod rated to 24kg line and 200gm good reef systemmajority of the reef. This provides a high- jig weight. This has just enough grunt with current. Anyresolution look at the reefs tallest pins,to stay with a big fish, but not be too rock that rises moremaking getting onto the correct part ofheavy to hang onto when mechanical than 3m has a goodthe reef so much easier. This has becomejigging. A rod like this is also perfect for chance to have a few fish milling arounda huge part of my fishing since upgradingtowing live baits around under a large nearby. A great way of knowing there is ato this new unit. The guesswork is simplyball sinker. good reef system is looking for cray pots scattered around. This is where I begin my efforts to look for them.Pania reef off Napier is the place toUsing the new Raymarine be for many kingfish over the summerElement 7HV is a key tool months. It has rocky pinnacles, countlessused to map a reef.baitfish, and a good current running too. The reef begins about 1km offshore and heads out for over four kilometres. The northern end of the reef is traditionally better as the water is much deeper, but kingfish are found scattered right across the reef. 54FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2022'