b'A couple of crays is a goodA double of kings was a addition to the mixed daily bag. great start to the day.truly full. In summer its important toHeading out early from the North care for your fish so all our fish had beenShore to dive the Hauraki Gulf.gutted, gilled, and bled before being put in an ice slurry. If you are going to go to the effort of taking fish it is important that you keep them cold to keep them in perfect eating quality.Counting our fish tally we had the perfect mixed bag of kingfish, trevally, snapper, kahawai, boarfish John dory and blue cod plus a pair of crays for good measure, all on a single day in the Hauraki Gulf! The key is to learn where the fish live, the best time to hunt them and to plan your day around the tides. Most of these fish would not have been around in a different tide, so learn the conditions, understand your target species and you can score a mixed bag too.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE67'