b'HUURNFTCINAGSTING Stags are all pumped up on adrenalineRIGHT GEARSat this time of year and they tend to takeThe right gear has a massive impact on a fair bit of stopping, even a well-placedhow much you will enjoy your trip and As with every typeshot can see a stag running further thancan contribute directly to success or of hunting whetherhe usually would. This is also where a topheartbreak. If you are cold and wet, you dog will save a lot of time looking for anare going to use more energy, eat more its deer stalking, waterfowlanimal that has run off. Any hunter willfood or even put yourself in danger. or upland game birds,have a huge amount of respect for theGood clothing has no compromise. Do animals they shoot and wish to do so inyour research, watch YouTube, listen preparation of your hunt isa way that is as humane as possible. Ato podcasts, and understand about the utmost important thing.dog can quickly follow up on a woundedlayering systems and what works. Most animal, so the hunter can dispatch itif not all major clothing brands will have Preparation may be theimmediately. Not only that but withoutvivid breakdowns on what to wear in difference betweena dog, you may never find that hardwhat conditions.earned trophy. There is a fine line between packing getting that onelight and having sufficient clothing in a lifetimeto survive if the conditions were to deteriorate. Find what works for you and stag or not. stick with it. Even on a day trip, plan that you may have to spend the night in thereJOIN THE CLUB ONLY $5 PER MONTHfor whatever reason. FIRST MONTH FREE!*I also cannot recommend enough that at least one person per hunting party should have a PLB (personal locator(*UNTIL 25TH APRIL 2021)beacon) with them. This can be the difference between life and death. Dont think you cant afford one, as you really cant afford to be without one! Different stores will even hire these out at aroundB E C O M E A M E M B E R T O D AY V I S I T: F I S H I N G I N G O D Z O N E . C O . N Z$5 per day. Extensive maps of the area your hunting, a good GPS with topo and scouting the area several times pre-roar will give you the added advantage when you need it. B Y B E C O M I N G A M E M B E R Y O U W I L L G E T A C C E S S T O O U R M O N T H LY H O W - T O A N D T A C K L E T E S T V I D E O S A N D R E A D T H E L A T E S T D I G I T A L C O P I E S O F F I S H I N G A red stag taken during the roar from March-April is a pinnacle huntingI N G O D Z O N E . P L U S G R E A T M E M B E R S O N LY D E A L S O N achievement for Godzone hunters. Photo stock image F I S H I N G P R O D U C T S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S !86FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'