b'ResearchTagging TopeThis tope was caught surfcasting in summer on the Kaipara under the lighthouse and was released unharmed.BY ALEX BURTONTAGGING SCHOOL SHARKS FOR RESEARCHWithin Godzones maritime borders, 68 speciesthe Campbell Islands. Theywith some populations still frequent coastal waters out tobeing classified as overfished. of sharks from 22 different families have beenthe continental shelf, whereThis has led the International observed. Of these species, school sharksthey generally inhabit theUnion for Conservation of seafloor. Although, they haveNature (IUCN), in 2020, to re-(Galeorhinus galeus) are among the mostalso been known to occupyclassify school sharks, globally, common inshore shark species. Also knownpelagic environments. Schoolas critically endangered.shark encounters are moreLuckily, school sharks are as tope or grey boy, they are often mistakenfrequent in coastal watersstill relatively abundant in for other shark species such as smaller bronzeduring summer, when thisour inshore waters. However, species comes inshore towe know little about which whalers (Carcharhinus brachyurus).breed and feed. Whereas,inshore habitats are important T hey range in sizeand notched tail (the notchover winter, larger individualsto school sharks, and how and generally migrate offshore.when they use them. Such from 30cm tois generally longer than theThis is where school sharksinformation is key to help just under 2mrest of the tails upper lobe).are more likely to be capturedimprove the management of (maximum size isYoung sharks also have blackin pelagic environments.this species.generally aroundcolouration on the tips of theirLike other shark species,The Kaipara Harbour located 1.8m) and theydorsal fins and the upper lobeschool sharks are vulnerablenor west of Auckland, is can be distinguished fromof their tail.to overfishing and habitatthe largest harbour in the other shark species by theirSchool sharks are founddegradation. Unfortunately,southern hemisphere. The long pointed, translucentthroughout Godzone, as farbecause of these threats,harbours large size and broad snout, body colourationnorth as the Three Kingsmany school shark populationsvariety of habitats makes it (greyish above, white below),Islands and as far south asworldwide have collapsed,important to many species.70FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'