b'TARAKIHI TIPS Blair is a happy angler when he returns from kayak fishing with a few tarahiki.If I were setting up for a boat missionnoise is something I have only recentlyso I grip right over the sand line. Often this in water over 50m depth, I would tie thisnoticed as a huge turn off to any fish inlittle patch of sand is covered with fish. If rig using 80lb trace. I have learnt thethe area. A trailer boat anchor makes anI dont get the set right, I will reset and try hard way that hooking large bycatch (likeenormous racket as it goes over the side.again. Being right on the money is super kingfish) in a strong current and on lightKayak anchors weigh less than 3lb and areimportant for tarakihi. On deep water leader does not end well. The currentalmost silent in comparison. Just the swellreefs picker fish are few and far between, plays a big role in your sinker size also,hitting a trailer boat is very noticeable toso fishing right across the whole structure since 610oz must be used if you wantme compared to the dead quiet plastic ofis more viable. Getting right on the reef your line to stay on the bottom out onmy kayak. edge in water 50m+ is very tough too.these deeper reefs. Bait is something I choose for its holding A big question a lot of people ask is,DUMMY DRIFTS power against pickers. I dont want to be should I drift or anchor? Anchoring hasWhen I near my chosen reef in the yak,winding the line in every drop to rebait a huge benefit by keeping you on theI do a few dummy drifts to check theafter it has been smashed in seconds. mark, but the downside is how accuratecurrent direction. I also keep a closeSquid fulfills this role nicely, being very your rope has to be. If youre off theeye on the sounder for possible tarakihitough and highly attractive to most reef money slightly the fish simply wont beschools. Im not looking on the reef,species. It really comes into its own for underneath you. Tarakihi dont often straybut rather the edges for where it dropsboat fishing too. I am confident I will be far from their chosen patch. On the driftonto the sand. These fish mostly feedable to hook a fish before all of it has been you can fish multiple parts of the reef butby bottom grubbing, so this is where Iremoved. This saves a lot of effort winding are limited by the time your baits are inconcentrate my efforts. If I put the anchorup just to find an empty hook. the strike zone. The wind can also pushtoo high on the reef I will be overrun withAnother advantage the kayak has over you off the mark too. I only drift in deepersmall blue cod and wrasse. the deep-water fishing in boats, is that I water over 50m where it becomes difficultIn order to prevent my baits from beingcan afford to experiment with softer baits to anchor. hammered by the pickers, I set up a driftsuch as skipjack and pilchards. Tarakihi are If youre lucky enough to own a Minnand drop my anchor down until it is aboutusually not picky, but on the day often a Kota or a Bixby (if your kayaking), you2m off the bottom. Once I drift far enoughpreference will be shown. I carry at least are able to spot lock in seconds withoutto see the sand begin to show on thethree different baits in order to best match even needing a rope in the water. Boatsounder, I quickly let it go to the bottom,what is todays favourite. 60FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'