b"LAND-BASEDScotts custom-made nose cover to prevent punctures to the RIB R ocky locationsbecause I can spread my gear out and fishLanding on the rocks can be tricky. You pontoons made by NZ Outdoor Gear.with good fishmultiple rods without gear tangling up.need a crew that knows the drill, a safe usually haveI own a RIB and use it to land on theplace to get the gear off and safe/calm whole ecosystemsrocks safely and fish some awesome spots.swell conditions. I find using a bungee surrounding it andOffshore islands are a favourite as you cancord to deploy the back anchor method is fish like snapperoften land on the back side of a rock stackpretty solid and works well. You will need can hang aroundor island where there is some protectiona 20-30m section of bungee cord and a in the one areafrom heavy swell. This makes landing andsmall grapnel anchor and chain to secure for many monthsleaving easier and safe (on the right day ofthe back end of the boat.if they dont getcourse). Fishing the front side of the island caught. Rock fishing locations with lots ofusually means fishing the ocean facingBOATPROTECTIONpressure show the opposite can also beside where deeper water and good currentThe other essential consideration is how true - fish get caught and it gets harder tobring fish into the berley trail. to prevent damage to the bow when catch decent fish there. There are somegetting on and off. With an inflatable exceptions to the rule, but the aboveHAURAKI GULF SPOTS boat, you can either put some temporary reasoning is relatively true and consistent. Even close to our largest city, islandsprotection on the front and I have a It seems funny to some but, using ain the Hauraki Gulf offer spots that arecustom-made nose cover I tie to the boat to access the best rock fishing spotsproductive and have decent fish livingfront which was made by NZ Outdoor is actually a good idea. I know for mostaround them. I have accessed the Noises,Gear in Katikati.Another option is to fishermen that boats are used for fishingRangitoto and Kawau Island and a fewglue sheets of reinforced rubber to the out of but, there are advantages to landingunnamed rock stacks with my RIB andfront. The rubber/glue process requires on the stones instead and fishing. Bigcaught some great fish. a story all by itself, however if you are snapper love rocky, reefy fringes whereThe other thing I love about this kindserious about rock fishing long term with food like mussels or oysters grow puttingof fishing is that theres an element ofthe use of an inflatable, I would suggest them in range of the rock fisher. Largeadventure - landing where others dontgetting in touch with the NZ Land Based fish can also be wary of human stimuligo (or very seldom go), and you have theFishing Club boys - they know their like boat noise. Quietly fishing the rockywhole rock to yourself. Theres nothing Istuff and are good to talk to. Some use edges from land can be a stealthy way tohate more than setting up the boat in aaluminium boats to get on and off and in target these larger fish where the boatprime spot and then nosy, lazy fishermencalm conditions and this is ok however may fail because of a noisy anchor, or thecome and park up in my berley trail orit doesnt take much to dent the metal boat's shadow. I also like fishing the rocksclose enough to be annoying. work if the swell gets up. 18FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021"