b'GAME FISHINGA nice stripey comes to the boat taken on a Medusa Wobble lumo.Upon our first glimpse of November Rain our jaws dropped. What a beauty! She has had a major rebuild and is an incredible boat. What a testament to the dozens of tradesmen, and Garry and Lori, that worked on her for a year in 2017 to transform her into the luxuriously comfortable, ideal game boat that she is now. Her long-range capabilities are outstanding, and this would be her seventh trip to the Whanganellas. After fueling up and as we were leaving the harbour around midday on Friday 21st January 2021, we looked at each other and said, "pinch me, is this actually happening?". What an absolute privilegeWith pack attacks often, the crew to be on the boat heading to undoubtedlyof six were working overtime to deal with mayhem fishing.one of the best fishing El Dorado\'s of the world.On board were 6 crew: owners Garryour fishing destination, with an ETA ofI awoke at 5.30am on Sunday, the and Lori, Andy McKay, Sam Tingey,6am on Sunday.We passed the dayanticipation and excitement levels were with Greg and me. Plus, the boat dogwatching videos of Garry and Lori\'soff the chart as we approached the bank. Pipi, a four-month-old Papillon puppy,amazing adventures around the world,Lines went in the water in darkness who was making her second voyage toand an incredible video of the rebuildat 6.30am and soon followed a buzz the Whanganellas. of November Rain. We also replacedof excitement when two reels started On the first night we each took 2-hourtop shot, wind-on leaders and got allscreaming at 6.50am. The first striped watches while the others slept, andthe camera equipment ready. We camemarlin was caught by 7.10am, followed when we woke in the morning, weacross a pod of dolphins. We ate, drank,closely by another at 7.30am. Marlin were approximately 100 nautical milesand we slept - knowing that the followingwere free jumping around us, the water from North Cape. We had anotherthree days were going to be a true test ofwas like glass, and we were in for an 24 hours or so to go until we reachedphysical and mental stamina. epic day!44FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'