b'SURFCASTINGA solid 6kg+ snapper took Matts favourite big snapper bait - fresh trevally.BAITSSnapper will take just about anything out on the west coast where I fish, mullet, tuna, or pilchards work, but so too on those other undesirable fish you dont want to target such as rays or sharks.I am also a fan of fresh is best and you dont need to buy bait if you know where to look.Firstly, pipi or tuatua is a top bait and easily found on most beaches, trevally and snapper love them.Funnily kahawai dont seem too fussed on shellfish and we only tend to catch small ones if we use tuatua Terry Hewetson scored thisand these are then turned into bait.Fresh 2.6kg kahawai on mulletkahawai is a good snapper bait.which won him 2nd place inShellfish beds are why trevally and the Glinks Gully surfcastingsnapper are coming into the beaches comp.Kahawai makes a topto feed on, they are also where other fresh snapper bait.food like paddle crabs and sand dollars 14FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'