b'LAND-BASEDIslands are great places to target for land-based anglers with a suitable boat.This is the mouth of Whangaruru Harbour with suitable islands close by.Next, get your mate to start pulling you in towards shore. You should get an ideaGeorge New scored a solid Far North of how much bungee rope to tie off assnapper off rocks that fished well over several days because the surrounding reef you are being pulled in. You need enoughwas richly stocked and hardly fished.bungee to stretch to the rocks but also the correct length so that once you jump off, the stretched bungee contracts and pulls the boat away from the rocks into a safe position. It may take a couple of goes but take your time and do it right. You dont want to look up and see your boat getting smashed up on the rocks! Check the boat throughout the tide just to make sure it doesnt drift or that rocks appear under the hull as the tide drops.I find getting off the rocks at the end of the day is usually easier because you can throw gear down to the person in the boat and he/she doesnt have to be hard up against the rocks to receive gear. On the calm days as I have mentioned, its pretty easy and no stress. Just make sure the weather forecast at the end of the day is as good as the beginning of the day. Rock fishing on isolated ledges is typically always better than the easily accessible ones and most people who go boat fishing dont land on the rocks.Remember dont take risks, practice in the easy places before tackling the hard ones and make sure the crew know the drill.Its a great way to find solitude and some great fish as well.FIGZ22FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'