b'HAURAKI KINGS A s discussed in the previous issue of Fishing in Godzone, Im not backwards in coming forwards about the fact that the humble snapper is my favorite fish to target. With so many different methods, lures, and places to catch them and of course, so many ways to cook them, they are always a family favorite and a satisfying catch for the chilly bin.However, I wanted to change it up a bit and get in on some more kingfish action so I decided I would only target Working topwater lures at Flat Rock,kings on our next trip out. My hubby a key spot in the gulf for kingfish. Justin of course must succumb to my fishing wishes, as when I set my mind to something, I try my hardest to make it a reality.As hard as it may be sometimes with the unexpected nature of fishing, I was hoping to catch my PB king.We enlisted the company of well-known fisho, Kaz Otsubo and fellow NZ Fisherchick Erica Coley as we knew theyd be keen to get in on the action.We set off midweek on a gorgeous Auckland summers day from Takapuna with a few gulf locations of interest on the list that we had heard were going off for kingies: Flat Rock, Five Mile, Horn Rock and Anchorite. A bit of distance to cover and much further than our usual local inner Good sign on the sounder below to drop jigs into. Hauraki spots, but we were on a mission. Justin hooked up on a stickbait at Anchorite and having to work fast to get past the pack of sharks.26FISHING IN GODZONE MAR/APR 2021'