b'We operate under the Game Animalmanagement programmes alongside Council Act 2013, and our legislatedDOC and our sector partners.functions include providing adviceAs hunters we also must look at game"Individual hunters game to the Minister of Conservation onanimal management as something weanimal management game animals and hunting and raisingcan all contribute to. It cannot be left awareness of the views of the huntingto DOC and dedicated hunting sectordecisions need to actively sector. We try to take an evidence- organisations. Individual hunters gamecontribute towards managing based approach to everything weanimal management decisions need to do and liaise with hunters, huntingactively contribute towards managingpopulation numbers and organisations, representatives ofpopulation numbers and improving theimproving the quality of our tangata whenua, local authorities,quality of our game animal herds. This landowners, the New Zealandrequires more focus on harvesting thegame animal herds."Conservation Authority, conservationright animals in the right place and being boards, and the Department ofdisciplined about the maturity of theenvironment; and how, by targeting Conservation. We promote huntermale game animals we shoot. more females, hunters can achieve better safety and education, enhanced publicquality herds in a healthier habitat.access, hunter-led conservation andLOOKING AFTER OURWe have also recently developed the seek to improve hunting opportunitiesGAME ANIMALS New Zealand Red Stag Ageing Guide, while working towards better gameThe GAC has an online resource calledwhich provides easy-to-understand animal management. Looking After Our Game Animalsinformation on how to assess the age of New Zealands game animals have, forthat further explains how huntersred deer stags while out on the hill. Being over 100 years, been a significant sourcecan contribute to good game animalable to identify a few key characteristics of mahinga kai for many communitiesmanagement. It is about how makingmeans hunters can quickly and accurately and provide important recreational andgood harvesting decisions can have adetermine the maturity of a stag and commercial opportunities for hundreds- positive impact on the health of ourleave behind younger males that are yet of-thousands of Kiwis. Nevertheless,game animal herds and the habitatsto reach their full potential. In this way these animals do require management,they live in, how male and femalehunters can help act as stewards of our which is why the GAC is involvedgame animals have a different role inred deer and ensure more males reach in the development of game animalthe herd and a different impact on thematurity before they are harvested.FIGZGAC have developed the NZ Red Stag Ageing Guide to assist hunters in aging redGame Animal Councilstags when in the field. Photo credit: Matt Strachan If you wish to know more about Looking After Our Game Animals and the New Zealand Red Stag Ageing Guide, go to the website, www.nzgac.org.nzPlease also follow the Game Animal Council on social media, via Facebook and Instagram.The New Zealand Game Animal Council is a statutory organisation responsible for the sustainable management of game animals (deer, tahr, chamois and wild pigs) and hunting for recreation, commerce, and conservation. /FISHINGINGODZONE91'