b'HUNTINGRETURN TRIP must be what they feed on in the dunes. ponds on farms I was allowed to hunt on After opening weekend, May was busyIt wasnt long walking in the sand dunesand managed to bag a couple of mallards working the boat show and getting thingsthat we found fresh tracks in the sand,which Ruby happily retrieved for me and sorted for our house that had sold.Itabout 50m further along and Ruby startedit was a windy evening, so the birds were meant it was over 3 weeks at the end ofto get keen on scent.I got ready andlooking to come into the coastal lake I was May until I got back up to get anothercock-cock-cock a bird flushed only 10ftchecking out.shoot in and I was keen to jump ponds andbeside me as I swung and hit it hard.GoodI only bagged the first ducks I saw and so look for a pheasant. girl Ruby as she retrieved the stunningheaded off in the dark for the ute and to I borrowed my uncles dog, Ruby who hascock pheasant.We then saw anotherdrop Ruby back in town to her owners.It a great nose for pheasants and retrievingbigger bird get up about 60m away and flyhad been a good outing and I was already birds.I took her to the dunes on the coastfast up into the flax and scrub on the cliffs,planning to get back up in late June for where I have shot plenty of birds over thehe is a cunning older pheasant that alwaysanother hunt, with the winter weather last few seasons.These pheasants alwaysmanages to outsmart us. finally arriving it was looking better for have the brightest colours of any bird, itLater that afternoon and I stalked a fewduck shooting.FIGZSunset on the west coast and prime time for ducks to drop into the lake.88FISHING IN GODZONE JULY/AUGUST 2022'