b'SPEARFISHINGSam nailed a nice blue moki.Leaving the wharf at Oban at seven inthen, the cod, crayfish and paua fisheries the morning we steamed half an houras well as the salmon, oyster and mussel down the coast to a spot he guaranteedfarms are what keeps the island afloat. Top Tipswould be full of big blue cod. SureWith the weather settling in andTake the ferry as you are limited to enough, as we entered the water, weenough kai moana for a feed we headedweight on the plane.could make out shapes 10m belowback to Oban where we had a seafood as monstrous cod clumsily scavengedfeast that night.Unfortunately, theAllow an extra couple of around on the sea floor. As we swumforecasted weather did arrive thatweather days up your sleeve, its along the coast, schools of huge bluenight, so the rest of the week was spentvery unpredictable!moki were abundant. The size of themexploring out of the water however weIcy water means take a 5mm or a meant only one was taken and wouldhad done what we had planned to do,7mm wetsuit, should do the trick.taste great in the smoker. the myths were true with paua legal As the water began to chill us down asideways and kina the size of your head,If you end up renting a car, drive sealion appeared and spent the next 20we thankfully didnt see any sharks butslowly as you are on island time and minutes checking us out before realisingby all accounts, they are certainly there.watch out for Kiwi.we had no food and continued on its way.Rakiura is a breath-taking place in everyBeware for sealions, they are big, Hopping back in the boat we warmed upsense of the word and is one of the mostmove fast and bite, so dont get with tea and biscuits before heading outstunning places I have ever been, itsbetween them and the water.for a spot of blue cod fishing. Blue codexcellent fishing diving and hunting are are a favourite amongst southern anglersjust a small part of why it is so alluring.The shellfish are huge, but dont get and have been since 1865 when theyMake sure your next trip in Godzone iscarried away and take only what were first fished for commercially. Sinceto Rakiura, you wont regret it.FIGZ you need.60FISHING IN GODZONE JULY/AUGUST 2022'