b'BAIT FISHINGHard to believe this solid 5-6kg snapper fell for a bit of old freezer burnt Hellers pre-cooked sausage!SNARLERS WORK was catching anything (and if anyone waseating sausages and cut one up for Within 60 seconds I had an enquiry andwatching me pull in fish). It was prettyfresh bait. The berley went over, and the pulled in a nice 37cm snapper. Ill keepquiet across the neighbouring fleet askahawai bait was deployed.that one I thought in case its the onlymy reel was singing with a hefty fish snapper that likes sausages. Anotherstruggling for freedom. I eventually got itKINGFISH STRIKEsausie bait cast out and another bite.up and there it was, proof of the sausageThe fishing was steady with bites and Thats interesting I thought, maybe itpudding! About 6kg of shiny, red muscle.a few snapper and kahawai landed. We wasnt a fluke? More casts and moreI netted it on the side of the boat andeventually ran out of kahawai and with bites each time with snapper taking thequietly lifted it into the boat while no onejust three sausages sitting in the bottom baits. I had four snapper in the bin nowwas looking. What a beauty. of the bag, I thought why not? Once ranging from about 1.5-3kg with someSo many good snapper had beenagain, the budget BBQ bites were cut very handsome fish on ice. I was startingscammed by a sausage bait! I got my limitand cast out. Within five seconds it was to think what do Hellers put in theirand headed back to the ramp to collectgrabbed, and the line was ripped off the sausages? When I felt a small nibble onthe boys for the afternoon session. Heinreel in repeated runs. This time it was my line. Striking just for fun, the rod onlyhad previously fished off a jet ski withdown to the mono backing and I could got halfway to the 90-degree positionhis son Jessie with mild success but wasfeel the weight of the fish and it was a before it was quickly yanked down, andkeen to wet a line and hopefully takebeast that was not happy about being line pulled from the reel in a screaminghome some dinner. We headed off tohooked. I tightened the drag once and run across the reef. the northeast corner of Motutpau andas it powered off on another run the Three bursts later and I still had nodropped anchor. I had also landed amono parted. I would call it most likely control over a rampaging sausage eatingcouple of fat kahawai in the morning,for a decent kingfish because of its sheer snapper. I looked up to see if anyone elsealso on Hellers magic pre-cooked fish- power and weight but well never know.20FISHING IN GODZONE JULY/AUGUST 2022'