b'Hein was rather awestruck at the turn of events, even though I had told himIt wasnt a fluke!These snapper the story of the snapper in the morning.picture in the bin (and a couple of kahawai), willingly took Hein put a piece on and managed to landsausage baits.his first kingfish. Even though it was too small to keep, it was noted that the fish had succumbed to a slice of sausage.Feeling rather deflated at losing a decent fish due to gear failure, I eyed my little orange baitcaster outfit. Swapping the micro jig for a Black Magic DX strayline hook (very sharp hooks these ones!) I cast out another piece of sausage. The rod was in my lap as I jiggled the last morsels of berley in the bag and without warning, the rod flew out of my hand/lap and stopped just on the edge of the boat as one of the guides rested on the transom. I dived "The rod was in my lap as Iheadlong like a superhero taking to thenow my wife just looks at me when I talk jiggled the last morsels ofair after it but another savage tug pulledabout going fishing and says one word it fully into the water and it disappeared- sausage.berley in the bag and withoutbefore I could lay a hand on it. I sat thereWill I be buying them again and using warning, the rod flew out ofin disbelief, now one good fish and athem for bait? Absolutely. Cheaper than good fishing outfit down. If you managepillies, I am now a believer of the beef my hand/lap and stoppedto pull up a Shimano Grappler 200HGBBQ kind for fishing bait. If you dont hear just on the edge of the boaton a Tachuio orange rod, please get inme ever talk about them again its because touch with me.To all the people I havethey are a secret weapon that shouldnt as one of the guides restedlaughed at on Youtube when they havebe uncovered. I wonder how much Hellers on the transom." lost their rods to a fish, I am sorry. Andshares cost these days?FIGZThis baitcaster combo was last seen flying off the back of the writers boat at Motutapu Island. /FISHINGINGODZONE25'