b"FAR NORTH The Suzuki 50hp is amazingly economical on the small centre console and we used less than 9 litres of fuel for the mornings fishing.Editor Matt Hewetsonitching to get back on the water. this year.I also put a call in to local It was the end of May when I finallyresident Kieron Olsen from Reel Rods headed to the Far North aftercleared the decks and saw the forecastwho advised some good trevs were the Hutchwilco NZ Boat Showfor the Far North was looking good. being caught in Rangiputa.I love tough During the boat show I had caught upfighting trevs, they pull so hard on light in late May, to enjoy somewith Craig Jenkins from Zeropak whosoftbait tackle.hot softbait action fishinglives in Doubtless Bay, and he kindlyIt is a long way to go from Tauranga (6 invited me back up to fish if I could findhours drive) and although I would only Rangiputa harbour. the time.I had been out with Craig inprobably get the Friday in fishing, the W ith duckhis Pocket Rocket 4.2m Smart Waveforecast wind and rain for the weekend that he bought at the boat show lastmeant I could go game bird shooting shootingyear and we had done well at Rangiputain my home town Dargaville before opening inon my last trip. heading home.On the drive up and I early May, thencalled in to see the team at Rod & Reel working at theRANGIPUTA TREVS in Newmarket, Auckland, and Justin boat show andI phoned Craig to say I was comingCorric showed me a great photo of wife also selling andup on Thursday and Friday morningEvana with a big 6kg+ trevally she had buying a house,looked good as the conditions werecaught in Doubtless Bay just a couple it had been a busy month. turning for the weekend, with anotherof weeks before (the cover shot of this It also meant I hadn't managed to getstrong easterly wind getting up whichissue) and I was now super keen to find out fishing for a few weeks and washad been so dominant since summermyself attached to such a fish.10FISHING IN GODZONE JULY/AUGUST 2022"