b'EditorialJuly/August 2022 / Issue 40Snapper will happily take all kindsFISHING IN GODZONE of baits, lures and even crickets!Yes, they have been caught full ofJULY/AUGUST 2022 Issue #40insects flushed into harbours. COVER PHOTOS Evana Corric scored a solid 12lb+ H ello Godzone readers.only to attack it and hook itself, then endingtrevally in the Far North on a softbait. Photo: Justin CorricWinter is upon us, but dont putup in my Icey-Tek bin when fishing off the your fishing gear or boat awayCoromandel rocks. EDITOR AT LARGE as the fishing can still be greatSome of the more unheard-of stories appearMathew Hewetsonduring the colder months aroundto involve snapper and we are all awareWRITERS Godzone.It just means wearingof their voracious appetites and desire forScott Cushman, Dan Westerkamp, good quality, warm, and waterproof clothingscavenging almost anything.An old fisho,Blair Whitingand checking for those better weatherthe late Johnny Moran who I used to workDESIGNwindows.Funnily, as I write this and look outwith and was well-known on the Manukau,Blockstart my window in Tauranga on 1st June, the skytold me of a story that he was once fishingwww.blockstart.co.nzis blue, and it is a balmy 21 degrees! the Manukau in late summer and the snapperPRINTING It is also a time of year to try targetingfishing was really firing.He caught severalSCG Printdifferent species like trevally, gurnard, orfish and when he got home and filletedDISTRIBUTIONJohn dory, or switching your approach tothe catch, he was blown away when heAre Direct NZworking the shallows in harbours or a localdiscovered that they were all full of crickets! PUBLISHERreef to strayline or cast smaller softbaits forJohn reasoned that a recent storm hadMarlin Marketing Limited Mathew Hewetson resident fish.The larger schools of snapperwashed the abundant insects down the riversP: 022 355 0588or kings may have departed for deep waterinto the harbour where the snapper wereE: mathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzbut there is plenty of inshore fishing to behappy to clean them up, and they must have enjoyed if the changeable weather meansenjoyed the protein on offer by how many sticking closer to shore. they had scoffed down!Having fished all my life and worked in theWriter Scott Cushman recently had one Fishing In Godzone is subject to copyright in its marine industry for over 20 years, I have heardsuch tall fishing tale that many wouldntentirety.The contents may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the written of a lot of tall fishing tales some of them nobelieve, when out in the Hauraki Gulf andpermission of the publishers. All copy, photos or other material forwarded to the magazine doubt have been true and sometimes we havewith photos to prove it.He may havewill be assumed intended for publication unless witnessed bizarre events when out on theunexpectantly discovered a top new snapperclearly labelled not for publication.Opinions expressed from such content are not necessarily water fishing.You are always surprised by fishbait.It is a good yarn and Im sure you willthose of the publisher.and where they turn up or what they will eat. shake your head as you read it in this issue. ISSN 23821655I have seen myself kingfish eating chickenGood luck with your fishing over winter,fishingingodzone.co.nzdrumsticks in one gulp when thrown overkeep warm and be safe out there.Dont/fishingingodzonethe side of the boat when fishing off Raglan,forget the thermos.and once watched in awe as an 8lb trevally followed my un-baitedMathew Hewetsonhook while being retrieved along the top of the water,EDITOR AT LARGE Check out the new digital platform - Scan to visit!6FISHING IN GODZONE JULY/AUGUST 2022'