b'A fat drake shot just on dark in the dune lake.As it got lighter with the sun climbinggetting used to.I missed a few birdsThe fast start to the morning died and thick fog still hindering visibility,before I finally nailed a drake that landedaway as only a few more birds came in we could make out ducks in the skyin scrub behind me.It soon went quietand by midday with the perfect fishing above and they were too far out for me,and the fog lifted revealing a sunny andweather, the action was dead.We had but they were dropping down right insuper clear day.I called out to Todd thatshot over 20 birds, but several couldnt front of Todd.Soon with rapid fire fromI would go and collect birds in the boat asbe recovered from the thick scrub, his 20-gauge semi, he was into them. his dog was out of action. which was a shame, but even a top dog Then I heard Xavier and Rei shooting asYou wouldnt believe it as I headed outwould have had trouble finding them.escaping birds flew east past them. into the middle of the lake and a mobIt had been a lot of fun seeing so much This pattern happened hard and fastof ducks come straight in while I wasaction and it surprised me for how still over the next hour or so as ducks werenearing Todd.Matty, stay still mate weit had been, but the lake was obviously coming in, but still too far out for me.Ihave incoming! I heard him whisper out. a home to many birds who wanted was happily quacking away on the caller,I stayed still but surely my camo wasntto return.and it was good to see such keen birdsthat good while sitting in a dull, grey boatIt was 2pm when we got back to the responding by dropping down and inin the open water! ute, and changed the tyre and I had to range of the others who fired shots. The six ducks landed right back whereshoot into town to get it repaired as I decided to move out into the waterI had just paddled from!Xavier snuck inon Sunday nothing is open and I was further in the boat away from the raupoand spooked them and downed one asdriving back to Tauranga.On Sunday to try to get a better position and soonthey headed straight for Todd and meit was an even calmer day, so we didnt was into the action, but getting used toand we also nailed a couple.Talk aboutbother shooting and I went fishing firing from a wobbling dinghy took somehard case. instead in the Kaipara. /FISHINGINGODZONE87'