b'JOHN DORYJohn dory will often take softbaits, but you need to slow down your retrieve out the back of the boat to entice a strike.B y my own admission, John dory are common enough in our I set off fishing planningwaters too its just that we dont head to target snapper onout thinking about targeting them, but jigs or softbaits, orwe love to catch them for the table.jig for kingfish or tryThey dont put up much of a fight so they topwater lures and wearent considered much sport but Im sure make plenty of plans foryour family and friends would rather you catching these speciesserved up dory for dinner.Here are a over the day.They both fight hard andfew tips on helping you catch more top are common in Godzones waters, so thetasting Johnnies.allure of snapper and kingfish is usually at the top of most anglers wanted list. LIVE BAITSKingfish and snapper taste rather goodJDs are the experts in stealth and too for the family dinner, but there iscamouflage, just look at their colour one fish I would happily trade both forpatterns, thin body and huge mouth that on my plate and that is John dory.A JDis telescopic and designed for grabbing or Johnny is easily up there as the bestsmaller fish.John dories love live baits, fish to pan fry with its white, almostwith sprats, mackerel, and kahawai translucent flesh.If I manage to catchbeing at the top of their list.To score one as a bycatch during the days fishing,more JDs you need to spend the timeIf you want to target it is one fish I wont give away or let go ofcatching livies to take out and drop toJDs then stock the tank easily when dividing the catch. the bottom. with mackerel.28FISHING IN GODZONE JULY/AUGUST 2022'