b'TestedBlack Magic Flipper JigsBlack Magic Flipper jigs four new colours have a strong lumo and UV content.BY SCOTT CUSHMANCATCHYOU ON THEFLIPSIDESlow pitch jigging is a relatively new form of lure fishing here in Godzone but is effective and can take the same fish species as other forms of lure fishing. In fact, larger species like kingfish and hapuka may be even more susceptible to a well-pitched slow pitch jig.R ecently, FIGZwith a crackle paint finishsnapper, kingfish and evenSIDEWAYS ACTIONeditor Mathewthat feature a luminous anda curious porae in 70m nearJigging with the Flipper jigs is Hewetson andhigh UV content. Mayor Island so far wheneasy enough and the lure has I have beenThe concave/spoonusing the jigs. strong sideways movement using the Blackconstruction give these luresSlow pitch jigging reliesas it falls. Slow pitch jigging Magic Flippertheir distinctive movementon a rod with slightly stifferdraws strikes not only on the jigs on our springtimein the water. As they drop,characteristics where thedrop but also on the hang trips to assess their fish- they slide to the side andtaper is not a fast taperpart of the lures action as it catching ability. flip, drawing strikes on theirand the whole blank bendssits suspended in the water way to the bottom. The largeslightly more from the mid- column. I suspect the large NEW COLOURSeye and neuron veins insection instead of the tipeye and strong lumo paint of Four new colours have beenthe paintwork stand out andfolding away. This helps thethe new colours are attractive added this season to bringcertainly get attention fromjig such as Flippers bounceto fish and are a big part of the total to eight, in weightsfish. The lumo content isup and down and as itthe Flippers effectiveness. from 60-150gm. The newquite strong which no doubtrises and falls in the waterHaving fished them around colours: Blumo, Fiery Tiger,helps add to the attractioncolumn, the jig pitches andwork-ups but also on the drift Pinky, and Night Rider comeof the lure. We have caughtmoves in enticing ways. without obvious fish activity, 82FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2023'