b'EditorialJanuary/February 2023 / Issue 43John pictured, wears a Spinlock LITE inflatable lifejacket that has a low profile, lightweight design with water sensitive activation system.FISHING IN GODZONE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023 Issue #43COVER PHOTO A big kingfish taken off the Eastern Coromandel. Photo: Owen Wills, Epic AdventuresEDITOR AT LARGE T o all Godzone skippers and anglers,If you have older lifejackets that are lookingMathew Hewetsonplease wear your lifejacketsworn or dont fit well, change them now,WRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS Scott Cushman, Dan Westerkamp, this summer! before you head out next in the boat.No oneUltimate Charters, EPIC While writing this editorial in earlywants to wear an uncomfortable, tatty lookingAdventures, Black Pearl ChartersNovember, there unfortunatelyold lifejacket fishing, so as skipper it is up toDESIGN have already been several tragic boatingyou to keep your gear up to date and ensureBlockstart accidents where people have lost their livesthe crew are safe by wearing them. www.blockstart.co.nzand werent wearing lifejackets.I just cantAnother key safety product which shouldPRINTING understand why all boaties dont put on abe on every boat is a PLB or EPIRB.TheseSCG Printlifejacket before they launch, just like youcan be activated if you find yourself in anDISTRIBUTION click your seatbelt when you get in your car. emergency and need assistance.TheseAre Direct NZThey both save lives! satellite personal locator beacons (PLB) willPUBLISHER A lifejacket is essential and must be worn,help guide a rescue chopper to you in theMarlin Marketing Limited Mathew Hewetson Im a reasonable swimmer and used to scubawater and have saved many Kiwi lives.TheseP: 022 355 0588 dive when younger but I never risk it andare getting smaller and cheaper starting fromE: mathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzwear a lightweight PFD (personal floatationaround $500-750 but are certainly worth the device) when fishing and you never eveninvestment to have on you when you go on an know you are wearing it.These invaluableadventure in the ocean or even when hunting. inflatable safety devices start from aroundNature is certainly unpredictable, and you $100 for the manual inflating models and arealways need to be prepared for the worst. Fishing In Godzone is subject to copyright in its entirety.The contents up to $250 for the self-inflating jackets. Please keep this in mind before you takemay not be reproduced in any form, in Whereas the original style lifejacketsyour family or friends out on the water thiswhole or in part, without the written permission of the publishers. All copy, with foam and collars that provide bettersummer, wear your lifejackets, take two formsphotos or other material forwarded to neck support, range from just $60-90.Itof communication, tell someone your planthe magazine will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly labelled is important to ensure you get the sizingand what time to expect you back.Check thenot for publication.Opinions expressed correctly with these jackets, especially forweather multiple times before going and if infrom such content are not necessarily those of the publisher.kids, so they fit well, and there are nowdoubt dont go out.The fish will be waiting multiple sizes for weight, age, and buoyancy. for the next fair-weather day. ISSN 23821655Gone are the old school one-size-fits-allEnjoy the summer break and safe fishing. fishingingodzone.co.nzlifejacket and I still see many of these inWear your lifejacket. /fishingingodzonepeoples boats that probably could do with an upgrade, getting a correctly fitted lifejacketMathew Hewetsonreduces the possibility of a too-big lifejacket slipping over the head. EDITOR AT LARGEGREAT DIGITAL CONTENT FOR ONLY $5 A MONTH6FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2023'