b'DESTINATION Brian with a 17lb snapper taken on a Shimano Baku Baku jig which unfortunately wasnt considered for the trophy on the first day.Driving 7 hours from Tauranga to Rangiputa in the Far North to meet good friends and fish for a late friends memorial trophy, was well worth the effort for editor Matt Hewetson.W here does time go?It had been over 6 years since I lost my great mate Iain Pottz McCahon and it still seems like yesterday that I had to say goodbye at the sudden loss.Iain was a good school mate from my hometown, we had grown up together as teens and then lived together when flatting in Auckland with our first big city jobs.Iain and I had always kept in touch when he left for overseas on surfing and snowboardingThe access to the beach for launching adventures, while I ended up in the UK. is right in front of Reef Lodge.52FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2023'