b"SPEARFISHINGThe second and most popular optionimpact will not make the speargun springpenetrated a fish.The shaft will then is a barrel gun made from carbon or aluminum around 120-130cm.WhenThe main benefit of a wooden gun is the nature of using teak. powered up you will notice a barrel gun has a lot more recoil, which may throwNo matter how your gun is powered up, the stock, or barrel your aim off. A lighter barrel gun such asof the gun will never bow or warp under the pressure of these will also be affected more by wave motion and current making shots in theloaded rubbers which cheaper barrel guns may do.upper levels of the water column more inaccurate. These are the simplest gunsback once it has been triggered. Not onlyfall out leaving the tip embedded in the to get started using and will do the jobdoes this make the speargun easier tofish which puts enough pressure on the however at some point in your spearinghandle, but also makes it more silent andfish as you play it but not so much that career you may find yourself ready toaccurate. A roller gun of 120-130cm isit rips out, it is also far less likely to bend upgrade to a blue water gun. another excellent choice for kings. your spear.The final option is a roller gun, with the development of speargun technology theSHAFTS FLOAT LINESroller gun is relatively new to the marketWhen targeting kingies it's a good ideaFloats and lines are crucial when which has proved itself and is quicklyto double check your shaft to maketargeting kingfish, they are always too becoming a staple in a spearos arsenal.sure its needle sharp, straight, and thebig and powerful to hold on to, so you Unlike conventional spearguns in whichpin holding the flopper in is workingneed a backup plan, this is where your the rubber bands take up only 30-40correctly.Depending on your setup afloat line comes in. Your gun should be percent of the barrel length, the roller7-8mm shaft should do the trick, anyattached to your float line by a shark clip, gun utilizes the full length of the barrel. less and it is likely to be turned into aagain check this connection regularly, As the spear shaft is accompanied bynoodle and it can't be stressed enoughyou will then have 20-30m of float line the rubber all the way to the end of thethat kings are big powerful fish, and yourstretching to the surface where your float barrel. The roller gun gets its extra powerequipment needs to be up to scratch.Awill be attached. Just like a fishing line from the longer band pull, instead ofstandard flopper will generally do theyou shoot your spear, let go of the gun more bands. The pre-tensioned rubberstrick, but if you want a guaranteed fish inand swim to the surface, from there take underneath also allow for more powerthe boat without the risk of bending youra few breaths and fight the fish with your and strength, meaning more speed andspear, you can't go past a slip tip. A sliprope, giving and taking just as you would momentum. Roller guns are popular astip is exactly what the name suggests,with a fishing reel until you have gained they have little to no recoil, the force ofa tip that slips off the spear when it hasenough line and the fish is on the surface.Kingies hang on deep pinnacles, bombies, and reefs, usually with strong current so dive in pairs and look out for each other.68FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2023"